We have added some research and publications to our website recently, and we want to share them with you. These publications contain useful information, mainly for the rainy season. Even though the publications are in Spanish, we ought to share this information in here, the English version of our website.

The publications that have been added to our website are:

Flood prone areas in the Pacific slopes of Guatemala, from the Ocosito to the Maria Linda watersheds (map)

Departmental Emergency Respond Plan -CODRED- Escuintla

Assesment of the propagation of river’s overflow in the Coyolate, Achiguate, Maria Linda, and Los Esclavos watersheds

Mapping flood prone areas in the Nahualate basin

Hydrological study of the Maria Linda River basin

Hydrological study of the Madre Vieja River basin

Hydrological study of the Coyolate River basin

Hydrological study of the Achiguate River basin

Hydraulic study of the Coyolate River to determine flood prone areas

Defining flood prone areas in the lower area of the Ocosito River Basin through modeling and community perception

Hidrological study of the Los Esclavos River basin 

Study about the Intensity of rainfall in the ICC’s priority watersheds 

These studies can be downloaded in Spanish from our website at no cost, either from the links above or from the Documentos tab in the Spanish version of this website

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