Since 2023, the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) has been implementing the Altiplano Resiliente project, financed by the Green Climate Fund through the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). This project is being developed in the Xayá-Coyolate micro-watershed, which covers part of the municipalities of Técpan Guatemala, Patzún and Patzicía in the department of Chimaltenango.
During the summer of 2024 the ICC technical team in a joint work with small farmers, implemented a total of 36 soil conservation demonstration plots, covering a total of approximately 5 hectares. These plots were located and selected according to the soil conservation plan that was elaborated based on the water erosion modeling that the ICC carried out for the micro-watershed.
The objective of the plots is to implement measures that guarantee soil conservation; a very important resource for the crops that are part of the livelihoods of the farmers in the region.
The process was inclusive and participatory by the presence of 15 women and 21 men from local communities, who were provided with training, tools, vegetative material and technical advice through workshops and interviews with the farmers themselves.
The methods have been adapted to the needs identified for each of the farmers (irrigation ditches, terraces, and living barriers) to ensure sustainability and better benefits in soil conservation.
In addition, this project implements other important Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) measures such as: forest conservation, forest plantations, forest restoration and agroforestry systems in the micro-watershed, always with the participation of local communities.
Office in Mazatenango:
Zona 1, 2 av. 8-49 Local 16 C.C. Santa Clara, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez
Office in Sololá:
3 calle 5-01 zona 1 Sololá, Sololá
Office in Parramos:
Km 60 carretera a Parramos, Parramos, Chimaltenango
Office in El Salvador:
Sonsonate, El Salvador