Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, Guatemala, September 17, 2018. The course, financially and technically supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization FAO, the National Institute of Forests INAB, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ, the United States Forest Service USFS, the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN, the United Nations Development Programme UNDP, the World Resources Institute WRI, the College of Agriculture of the San Carlos University FAUSAC, and the Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC. It is hosted at the INTECAP facilities in Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla, from September 17 to 21st. The training course has welcomed 32 participants from organizations of the government (INAB, CONAP, MARN), municipalities, organizations of producers, NGO, universities, foundations, and research centers, who are being guided by national and international traineres, and have learned about several topics about forest landscape restoration, as well as shared about their own experiences and generating a project proposal to restore with several purposes.

Forest Landscape Restoration, in a wide spectrum, implies actions and decision making that goes beyong intervention withi the forest resources aiming to recover functions and services from a forest ecosystem with several leves of degradation. The previous statement refers that the degradation of a ecosystem (forest, agriculture, livestock), measured by biophysic, economic, or social terms, obeys to causes associated to climate conditions (variability and climate change), the model to manage resources, the resilience capacity of the ecosystems, institutional development, and the government of the ecosystems (natural or artificial). Under this analysis, the course comprehends moving, facilitating, and exercising different topics, methodologies, knowledge and tools in the following areas:

Methodologically, the course has allowed to move knowledge and to exchange experiences through: keynote presentations, group work, lectures, group excercises, and field trips. In the case of fieldtrips, these were organized to communities and farms where restoration actions have been completed through practices and biophysic measures that have involved the interested people, and supportd by several technical, financial and organizational instruments. One of the relevant products of the course is the design of a proposal of a plan to restore forest landscape, applicable to six geographic regions: West, Verapaces, Peten, East, South and Central Guatemala.





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