At the end of the month of october 2020 during a press conference attended by national and local media, ICC professionals presented information on communities of the southern coast at risk. In order to provide a follow-up to this activity, the municipality of La Gomera, Escuintla, requested the support of the Private Institute on Climate Change Research (ICC) to present studies on the floods of the Coyolate river for the Municipal Council for Development (COMUDE) of this municipality.
The coordinator of the Disaster Risk Management Program of the ICC, presented the results of part of the studies of the PREPIN project, which was funded by the European Union, with the purpose of identifying the communities at risk of the floods that the Coyolate River in the municipality of La Gomera may cause.
Another study presented in response to the interest of the municipal corporation, was the Analysis of groundwater in the municipality of La Gomera, which resulted from the monitoring carried out in the area since 2015, as part of the analysis on Groundwater of the alluvial fan of Acomé and the Agua Volcano.

As a result and commitment of this activity, an hydrological analysis of one of the tributaries of the Acomé river will be carried out, and coordination efforts to find possible monitoring points of strategic wells in the municipality will be made.
These actions allow to share important aspects of the multidisciplinary work executed by the ICC, focused on the creation and strengthening of capacities in every level.