Agronomy students from Chimaltenango department learn soil conservation innovations

April 19, 2024

A group of second year agronomy students from the Centro Universitario of Chimaltenango (CUNDECH) from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, held an academic tour as part of the soil science course. They visited ICC in Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa installations for a talk about “Soil conservation practices at the South Coast” and learn about how technology allows to visualize important areas where is necessary to implement those practices.

In addition, with the Centro Guatemalteco de Investigación y Capacitación de la Caña de Azúcar (CENGICAÑA) and Pantaleon company support, students visited CENGICAÑA laboratory and learn about physicochemical analysis of soils and carried out a field visit to observe the canals and infiltration wells implemented at the sugar cane production.

Student Oswaldo Medina commented that these activities are important because they learn how all the classroom theory is integrated and applied in the field using technology. He added that it is interesting how these water infiltration practices enrich the water table, which has a positive impact on agriculture and nearby communities.

Soil resource it is essential for life, giving water and nutrients to plants and helping to regulate climate. For this reason, since 2012, the ICC has developed research to estimate soil water erosion at the Pacific Slope of Guatemala, which it is important to learn about priority areas to implement soil conservation practices. Check here the “Estimation of water erosion” document by ICC, where you can find a map of potential water erosion risk at the Pacific Slope of Guatemala.


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