This morning, community leaders that are taking part in the Community Adaptation to Climate Change Training in Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Huehuetenango, visited the Selegua watershed, as part of the Integrated Watershed Management module in such training.

Assisted by a translator, the professionals of the ICC traveled through the watershed and explained to participants the importance of integrally managing the watershed, soil and forest protection and conservation, crops management, among others.

This fieldtrip complements the theoretical sessions of the module participants are currently taking.

The watershed of the Selegua

The watershed of the Selegua River is located in Huehuetenango; it begins in the Mountain Range of the Cuchumatanes, and belongs to the Gulf of Mexico slopes. The Selegua River is 102 km long in Guatemala, until it crosses to Mexico, where it reaches the artificial lake of the La Angostura dam, one of the largest artificial lakes in Mexico.

The training and its fieldtrips are developed within the framework of the Low Emissions Development project that is funded by USAID.

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