To promote positive changes in the households of four municipalities of Sololá, on June 21, 2022, the capacities of a group of 28 women promoters were strengthened with the BACKYARD-HOME approach.
The BACKYARD-HOME and HEALTHY-HOME approaches seek to complement and/or improve yard-home productive systems so that these can be more efficient and sustainable, and in which families can incorporate practices of low dependence on external inputs in an environmentally sustainable way (FAO, 2007).

This workshop was carried out within the framework of the project: Implementation of adaptation measures to climate variability and change to contribute to food and nutritional security and the reduction of child malnutrition in communities and municipalities in the department of Sololá, Guatemala -MACC SAN-. The MACC-SAN project is funded by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation for Development AECID.