At the ICC we are working on the implementation of climate change adaptation measures to improve the food and nutritional security of many families.
We have worked on the inclusion of vertical garden technology for food production in small spaces.
We have implemented 8 rainwater harvesting systems (SCALL) in rural schools.
in partnership with Spanish cooperation at Sololá department.
in partnership with Ingenio La Unión at Escuintla department.
Thanks to the financing of the company ED&F from the United States and Grupo CASSA, we developed and adaptation strategy with:
communities in the sugarcane-growing area of El Salvador.
We have established:
backyard aquaculture systems to improve food security in different villages on the southern coast. In addition, the systems are monitored and technical advice on fish farming is provided to the people involved.
Office in Mazatenango:
Zona 1, 2 av. 8-49 Local 16 C.C. Santa Clara, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez
Office in Sololá:
3 calle 5-01 zona 1 Sololá, Sololá
Office in Parramos:
Km 60 carretera a Parramos, Parramos, Chimaltenango
Office in El Salvador:
Sonsonate, El Salvador