Private Institute for Climate Change Research, Guatemala. The workshop “Transferring Methodology to Conform Disaster Reduction Coordinators” was hosted from March 19 to 21, and it focused on students of Social Work from the Mariano Galvez University, Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa Campus, Escuintla. This workshop was facilitated by the professionals of the Department of National Organization of the Executive Secretariat of the CONRED, under the coordination of the Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC, and funded by ECHO and ICC.

This action is part of the project Public-Private and Academic Alliances to strengthen the Early Advisory System SAT in the Coyolate basin, where it will be developed along 10 communities that are vulnerable to floods. They will be assisted through a training process to strengthen their capacities to respond against emergencies and to establish the Local Coordinators for Risk Reduction COLRED.

25 students were certified as Trainer of Trainers, since they will be developing community work along the advisory and guidance of the ICC and CONRED, since they will be generating actions and proposals for the common well. This kind of alliances will allow generating interinstitutional agreements to build capacities among the participants to create a prevention culture, socializing the importance of risk management.

Also, on the 22nd, the workshop to learn about broadcasting equipment was facilitated to the several bases located in the high, midlands, and low areas of the Coyolate basin, since they integrate the system of CONRED volunteers. This activity was in charge of the specialists of the SAT Department of SE-CONRED, as one of the actions that focus on building local capacities through handling, receiving, and broadcasting information to reduce the negative effects of potential hazardous events.

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