The Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) in coordination with the Association of Farmers and Protectors of the Shores of the Nueva Concepción Rivers (ASOBORDAS) and the Municipality of Nueva Concepción – Escuintla, released 2,500 fingerlings (juvenile fishes) of native species of fishes (“tusa”, “balcera” and “prieta”) in the Coyolate river of that municipality, at the end of December 2020.

The fingerlings are produced in the facilities of the sugarcane mill Ingenio Pantaleón with the technical advisory and support of the ICC. The purpose of the releasing of fishes is to contribute to the conservation of aquatic biodiversity, specifically in freshwater bodies in the southern region of Guatemala.

Experts from the ICC, staff from the Municipal Office of Environment of Nueva Concepción, ASOBORDAS, DIPRONA and community leaders from the area participated in the activity.