Experts in Panamá, discuss about climate
change impact in public health

February 14 , 2024

On February 11 and 12, Santa María La Antigua University at Panama City, was the venue for a public health resilience informatics in Central America and Panamá meeting. This event brought together experts, academics, representatives of environmental NGOs and community leaders to discuss about climate change and its impacts Central America and Panamá family’s health.

The event was organized by the Arizona University and Social Energy Generation Plant Foundation (PGES) of Panama, with the support of Burroughs Wellcome Foundation. The meeting aimed to explore how emergent technologies, AI included, can contribute to mitigate negative impacts of climate change in the region. The ICC was invited to share their experience in climate services development for agriculture and the processing and management of climate data applicable to the health sector.

“There were participants from several countries with whom we analyzed how to work on climate change and health issues, to support the region with the use of technology to create climate services to support decision-making at all levels, from communities to ministries of health in each country. We proposed a DATA HUB to store climate, health and population data, and later, with the use of artificial intelligence, transform this data into information that meets the needs of each country".

The event was attended by more than twenty specialists from Central America, Panama and the United States, from institutions such as the Ministry of the Environment of Panama, the Central American University Superior Council, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Colorado State University, the ICC, the Pan American Health Organization, CATIE, the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas, the International Federation of the Red Cross, among others.

A DATA HUB is a centralized platform that allows the integration, storage and management of large volumes of data from various sources. Its main objective is to facilitate access and analysis of information, improving decision making in organizations. DATA HUBS are essential in the era of Big Data, as they allow organizations to consolidate dispersed data and obtain a comprehensive view of their operations.


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