Sergio Gil Villalba, who holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environment Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, and currently studying an MSc in “Groundwater and global change, impacts and adaptation”, coordinated by the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education of Netherlands, is currently visiting the ICC.
Sergio has a broad experience in superficial and underground hydrology and is visiting the ICC to advise us in topics as the strategy to recharge the aquifers in the Pacific slopes, well monitoring, hydrometric stations, soils, ecological river flows, areas for research in underground hydrology, among others. Previously, Sergio had worked with the ICC covering topics such as superficial and underground hydrology, monitoring aquifers, river flows, estimating flood prone areas, among others.
His visit is from September 4th to 17th, although he is expected to return to the ICC for the next year, to carry out research for his thesis that aims to identify the recharge zones and will also develop a concept model in how the groundwater flows in the alluvial fan of the Fuego and Acatenango Volcanoes.