The Chamber of Agriculture of Guatemala CAMAGRO, in coordination with the Low Emissions Development project LEDS, and the ICC, facilitated the training: Carbon Footprint in the agriculture sector, which was developed in September and October.

This training was facilitated to two groups, one in Guatemala City and one in the South, and was constituted by two sessions per group. The topics covered were as follows:

Session one: 1. Concepts and generalities of climate change.  2. Greenhouse Gasses Inventories 3. Carbon Footprint 4. Practical excercises to identify and calculate the emissions of their own sector.

Session two: 1. Climate change mitigation plans 2. Generalities of the Low Emissions Development project 3. Tools to calculate emissions 4. Setting up a electronic sheet to calculate carbon footprint.

A total of 74 people were trained during this course. Participating professionals belong to the rubber, banana, sugar cane, coffee and livestock sector, as well as independent consultants, universities, and government.

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