The ICC participated in the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Climate Change: Scientific basis, adaptation, vulnerability and mitigation, which took place from 03 to 15 July 2017 at the University de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, in Brazil.
The ICC was represented by Paris Rivera, coordinator of the Climate and Hydrology Research program. The course was organized around five major themes: (1) Observations and future projections (scientific basis); (2) Impacts; (3) Vulnerability; (4) Adaptation and mitigation; and (5) the Paris Agreement: Are 1.5 degrees a reasonable limit?
The 2-week course included theoretical classes, work in groups, a poster session, science-policy discussions, and visits to key institutions in the State of São Paulo conducting climate change research with policy applications.
The course was organized by by the INterdisciplinary CLimate INvestigation cEnter (INCLINE) and the Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research (IAI), and sponsored by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Pró Reitoria de Pesquisa/University of São Paulo (PRP/USP), IAI and Santander.
For more information about the course, please visit
With information and images from IAI.