The Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) as a member of the Organizing Committee of the IV Climate Change National Change 2021, participated in the official opening of the event with the intervention of the General Director Alex Guerra Noriega, Ph.D., on August 2 in Guatemala City.
The event was attended by the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Mario Rojas Espino; the Vice Minister of Environment, Fredy Chiroy; the Director of Rainforest Alliance Guatemala, Alejandro Santos; the Director of the Climate Change Institute, Alex Guerra; the Rector of the University of San Carlos, Pablo Oliva; the Rector of the Universidad del Valle, Roberto Moreno, the Director of INSIVUMEH, Yeison Samayoa and the representative of the UNFCCC, Carlos Ruiz, who provided the opening remarks of the congress.

The Climate Change Congress will last 5 days, in which different experts will provide information on different studies and research on the subject, through thematic, plenary and parallel sessions which will be broadcasted live on the YouTube page of the SGCCC.
We encourage you to participate in the congress. You can find the agenda with the transmission links here: