Private Institute for Climate Change Research, Guatemala. A workshop about the Database of the System for Information Management in case of an Emergency or Disaster -SISMICEDE-, was held in Guatemala City in February 5th, 6th and 7th, and it welcomed members of the Departmental Coordinator for Disaster Risk of Escuintla, the Decision Making team and the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit of the Guatemalan Army UHR.

The workshop was in charge of the SE-CONRED, since it is part of the activities to prepare for the volcanic drill that will be made held in April. This activity is part of the actions of the Humanitarian Allied Forces FAHIM, where Guatemala will participate along El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and Dominican Republic. This is supported by the Southern Command of the US Army.

The drill will take the scenario of an emergency caused by a volcanic eruption of the Fuego Volcano, activating official protocols and coordination to respond to the emergency. Several communities of the department of Escuintla will be involved due to the level of risk that they present against these natural events.

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