The ICC presented and socialized the results of the project “Implementation of adaptation measures to climate variability and change to contribute to food and nutritional security and the reduction of child malnutrition in communities and municipalities of the department of Sololá, Guatemala. -MACC SAN- “.
The results of this project were presented to the Departmental Commission for Food and Nutritional Security and the Departmental Health Commission -CODESAN/CODESAL-SOLOLÁ, which counts with the representation of 32 members of civil, governmental, and non-governmental organizations.
This project has been financed through the ARAUCLIMA program of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation -AECID-.

During this event the participants expressed their gratitude to the ICC for executing a project that has delivered results of interest that have benefited families and schools of 11 communities of the area.

Among the actions implemented, the research developed in corn production, non-conventional production systems (organoponic vertical gardens) and diversification of substrates to produce Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms, generated a very strong interest and highlighted the importance of this type of actions for the population in conditions of high vulnerability.