The Capacity Building and Communications Program of the ICC is strengthening the capacities on climate change of key social stakeholders of Guatemala.
The institute is imparting a certificate course on community adaptation in the municipalities of San Lorenzo and Río Bravo Suchitepéquez, in partnership with the Municipal Environmental Management Units (UGAM). Other courses were also initiated in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) in the municipality of Sipacate and the village of El Paredón, Escuintla.

Technicians from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food (MAGA) and volunteers from the Retalhuleu Red Cross Delegation started a certificate course on watersheds and climate change. The strengthening of capacities on climate change and related issues generates multiple benefits to the population, community and agricultural systems by providing them with a greater capacity to adapt to climate change.

The thematic content is distributed in eight sessions that address the following topics: environmental issues, conceptual bases on watersheds, scientific basis of climate change, adaptation, climate change mitigation, disaster risk management and a field trip.
The content of the second certificate course is divided into nine sessions that address the following topics: conceptual bases on watersheds, diagnosis and planning of a watershed, experiences in the integrated management of a watershed, scientific basis of climate change, adaptation and mitigation of climate change, and disaster risk management.