The new meteorological station “Pueblo Real (ACAX-TNC)” was installed in the municipality of Tecpan, in the department of Chimaltenango, Guatemala and was officially inaugurated on June 25th.
The project was coordinated by the “Asociación Civil Ambiental Xayá (Xayá Civil Environmental Association) – ACAX- and The Nature Conservancy -TNC- with the support of the Latin American Alliance of Water Funds, The Coca Cola Company, University of San Carlos de Guatemala -USAC-, Pueblo Real and ICC.

The new Pueblo Real (ACAX – TNC) meteorological station, joins ICC’s meteorological stations network, which now consists of 31 automatic stations located on the Pacific slope of Guatemala, generating information on temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation, solar radiation, leaf moisture, wind speed and direction every 15 minutes.

ICC continues to join efforts with local, national, and international organizations for technical-scientific development on climate and meteorological issues with state-of-the-art tools, strengthening local research capacities and thus promoting the development of climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in the communities and productive systems of the region.
The information generated by the new station is available to researchers, academics, students, and the public through the website in the stations section.