A mangrove restoration event took place, led by the Eastern Sub-Network of the Restoration Network of the South Coast of Guatemala, within the protected area called “Área de Usos Múltiples Monterrico” in Santa Rosa. This joint effort involves governmental organizations, private initiatives, NGOs and academia, with the objective of recovering more than 50 hectares of mangroves affected by forest fires.
In this activity, the aerial propagule dispersal method was used in collaboration with the Guatemalan Air Force. More than 100,000 propagules of species Laguncularia racemosa and Rhizophora were dispersed by helicopters. The main objective of this technique is to distribute the propagules in areas that are difficult to access. In addition, the management of the natural regeneration of these species is also being implemented.
Mangroves are essential ecosystems for coastal protection, acting as natural barriers against storms and storm surges, and are key habitats for numerous species. They are also important carbon sinks, contributing to climate change mitigation and the livelihoods of local communities.
Office in Mazatenango:
Zona 1, 2 av. 8-49 Local 16 C.C. Santa Clara, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez
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Office in Parramos:
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