The information generated by the ICC through the network of 38 automatic weather stations allows us to be ready for the weather and prepared for the climate.
These weather data is available at
ICC’s network of meteorological stations
The ICC has overseen the network of meteorological stations since 2011, strengthening it and promoting its growth. Since 2021 the network is made up of 38 automatic weather stations distributed along the Pacific slope of Guatemala and El Salvador.
The automatic weather stations have different sensors that are responsible for measuring meteorological variables and transmitting them in real time. This information provides inputs to make decisions for crop management or flood disaster risk management, as well as to generate studies on climate and meteorology. The location of the stations is carefully selected since it is a key factor to record the changes in the variables throughout the region.
The automatic stations that the ICC has are made up of three main components: a) civil works, b) lightning rod system and c) sensors. The civil work is the physical support where the other components of the station are installed, and it also includes the security perimeter. The lightning rod system minimizes the risk of sensor damage from lightning strikes during electric storms. The sensors are responsible for recording and transmitting weather information (details below). Data for every variable is generated and sent every 15 minutes.
The sensors installed in the automatic weather stations of the ICC record data for the following variables:

Meteorological information system -REDMET-
It is a digital platform that makes real-time weather information, generated by the network of weather stations, available to the members of the ICC and anyone interested. It can be accessed through the page The interface of the Meteorological Information System -REDMET– allows the download and display of information in real time, as well as consulting the historical record for each of the stations.
The meteorological data is subjected to weekly quality controls, where possible anomalies that arise during the generation and transmission of the information are corrected. In addition, monthly physical maintenance is carried out on the stations to prevent malfunctions in the equipment and avoid information gaps.

The ICC continues to join technical-scientific efforts to make state-of-the-art tools available, with the purpose of strengthening research and promoting the development of projects for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the communities and productive systems of the region.