Private Institute for Climate Change Research, Guatemala. With this innovative technology, one of a kind in Guatemala, the water level of the Madre Vieja River will be monitored in its river mouth
Nueva Concepcion, March 13th, 2018. As a contribution for the sustainable management of the Madre Vieja River, this Tuesday, the Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC installed cutting edge technology that will measure the level through sonic waves and that will generate information in real time.
The sensor of the radar is mounted over a metallic structure that holds it above the river and from there, it monitors the increase of decrease of the water level; this information is sent to a computer electronically.
The acquisition of the radar, computer system and transmitter equipment, as well as the construction of the hydrometric station was managed through the ICC with funds granted by sugar mills, and banana and palm enterprises, which are active in the roundtable of the river.
“This cutting edge technology, one of a kind in Guatemala, allow us to monitor the level of the water in the dry season, when river flows tend to decrease, as well as in the rainy season, to inform about flow increases and reduce floods impacts” said Alex Guerra, director of the ICC. The hydrometric station called “Las Vegas” is located in the Trocha 14 village, one mile away from the river mouth.
Due to the efforts and work coordinated among communities, businesses, and authorities gathered at the roundtable of the Madre Vieja River, since 2016 the river has been recovered through reforestation of its river sides and the coordination of the users of water for the river to keep a stream flow during the dry season.