Participative workshops seeking for water solutions in the Río Madre Vieja Watershed

February 12 , 2025

The Water Vice Ministry of the Natural Resources and Environment Ministry convened five participative workshops with the main objective of identify water resources solutions of the lower, middle and upper part of the Río Madre Vieja watershed.

Workshop with representatives of government entities. San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá.

Two workshops were held at Nueva Concepción, Escuintla (lower part) with representatives of private sector, public sector, civil society and the departmental governor. The other three workshops were carried out in San Lucas Tolimán, Sololá (middle and upper part) with public and private sector, NGOs and the mayor of the municipality.

Workshop with private sector representatives. Nueva Concepción, Escuintla.

These activities are the result of joint work between different institutions to promote conservation and protection of the national hydrographic watersheds, in compliance with the Governmental Agreement number 19-2021. In addition, these activities were developed with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) and the Central American Integration System (SICA).


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