Reforestation efforts are held in conjunction with stakeholders of the Pacific slope
One of the main actions developed by the ICC since its inception in 2011 has been the establishment of forest nurseries, as an initiative to increase the forest cover of the Pacific slope of Guatemala.
On May 22, 2021, in conjunction with the National Forest Institute (INAB) and the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), the ICC participated in the lounge of the reforestation campaign of the Sugar Agroindustry of Guatemala.
With the purpose of contributing to the mitigation (through carbon fixation) and adaptation to climate change, and due to the multiple benefits of the trees for human beings and nature, each year, reforestation efforts during specific periods are carried out together with different private and public sector stakeholders.
Ph.D. Alex Guerra Noriega, ICC’s General Director, participated in the reforestation event in Acarigua, Patulul, Suchitepéquez as part of the National Tree Day activities.Lounge of the reforestations in coordination with the ICC, National Forest Institute (INAB), the Southern Adolfo V. Hall Institute and the Magdalena Sugar Mill, in Retalhuleu, Guatemala.
On May 28 the ICC participated in a reforestation activity in the Josefina farm together with INAB, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN), Masagua, Escuintla Municipality and the Magdalena Sugar Mill.
From 2011 to 2021, the ICC has increased teamwork across different sectors, which will allow the institute to reach a total of 8 million planted trees by the end of 2021.