ICC, the National Forest Institute (INAB), the Ministry of Environment (MARN) and Forest Investments (AGRECA) established a regional alliance to produce trees in the Suchitepéquez Department. On May 22, to celebrate the “Tree Day” the alliance officially opened the “Altos de San Gabriel” Regional Tree Nursery. The nursery will produce trees for reforestation activities in de Departments of Retalhuleu, Quetzaltenango, San Marcos and Suchitepéquez in Guatemala.

Since 2011 tree nurseries have been established by ICC together with municipalities, communities, government institutions, universities and private companies. This regional nursery is part of ICC’s actions to contribute with climate change mitigation.

The tree species that will be reproduced in the nursery are selected by the communities, ICC gives them technical advice to select native species and others that best adapt to the conditions of the area and provide benefits to the community in reforestation or restoration actions.
Did you know?
From 2011 to 2020, ICC promoted and supported the production of more than 7 million trees to reforest the upper, middle and lower parts of all the watersheds located in the South of Guatemala.
“The more than 7 million trees produced by ICC with numerous partners and mainly with the INAB, belong to 55 different species, 48 of them native and 7 exotic”.
How can you buy trees?
You can make your request to ICC by writing an email to info@ or by dialling (+502) 7828 1037; you can also send your requests to INAB by writing to mazatenango@inab.gob.gt for more information click here