Last week, ICC, in coordination with other partners, released 1,700 young fish of the native breams (mojarras) called Tusk fish (Tusa) (Herichthys guttulatus), Balcera fish (Amphilophus trimaculatus) and Prieta – – dark fish–(Cichlasoma macracanthum) as well as 400 fresh water snails into the Coyolate River, Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla, in order to contribute and conserve the aquatic biodiversity, especifically in bodies of fresh water of the South region of Guatemala.

The participants included elementary students coming from public schools of Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa and others local stakeholders.

The reproduction of the young fish was in charge of the workers of Pantaleón sugar mill and ICC technical experts.

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