The Director of International Affairs for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean of the Government of Germany, Dr Rudiger Lotz and the Ambassador of Germany to Guatemala, Matthias Sonn, visited today the Pantaleon sugar mill in Siquinala, and a point of interest in the riverside of the Coyolate River in Nueva Concepcion, Escuintla.

The purpose of the visit was to gain a deeper knowledge of the Guatemalan Sugar Industry, specifically about operations and the corporate social responsibility of Pantaleon. Dr Rudiger showed a special interest to know more about the Private Institute for Climate Change Research, ICC, and thus, a visit to the Coyolate River in Nueva Concepción, Escuintla was held.

The director of the ICC, the president of ASOBORDAS and the agricultural manager of the Madre Tierra sugar mill presented the problematic related to floods and the successful risk management actions developed altogether with the communities, sugar mills and government.

Flood studies were shown and other capacity building actions for the communities developed by the ICC were mentioned.

Recovery of the riverside forest was shown at that place. This was worked between the ICC, the Madre Tierra sugar mill and the communities. This forest is part of the biological corridor of the Coyolate River that is promoted by the ICC.

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