From February 11, it will be obligatory in Guatemala classify residues and solid waste according to the “Regulations for the integrated management of common residues and solid waste” through the Government Agreement no. 164-2021, reformed in 2023. This sorting is classified into three categories:
The regulation also indicates that Guatemalans must deposit the waste in different containers clearly identified with the iconography established by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARN) and colors as follows:
For more information you can download:
The “Regulations for the integral management of common solid waste and residues”.
The MARN’s “Guide for the classification of common solid waste”, where you can find out which waste and residues go to the different groups
Office in Mazatenango:
Zona 1, 2 av. 8-49 Local 16 C.C. Santa Clara, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez
Office in Sololá:
3 calle 5-01 zona 1 Sololá, Sololá
Office in Parramos:
Km 60 carretera a Parramos, Parramos, Chimaltenango
Office in El Salvador:
Sonsonate, El Salvador