Sergio Gil Villalba, M.Sc.

Associate Researcher in Climate and Hydrology

Research interests:
Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, hydrological balance estimations, distribution of precipitation in extreme weather events, aquifers dynamics and integrated watershed management.

Environmental Sciences.University of Barcelona. 2005-2011
Bachelor IES Bellula,Barcelona, España. 2003-2005.

Work Experience
Autonomous University of Barcelona. Guest professor in joint Master: Mineral resources and geological risk. 2013-2015.
Private Institute for Climate Change Research –ICC-.Hydrology assessor. 2012.
Private Institute for Climate Change Research –ICC-. Academic visitor. 2011
ASECORP S.A (Barcelona). Consultant on environmental legislation. 2010.

Publications in Spanish
Gil, V. S. 2011. Evaluación de la modelación hidrológica como herramienta para la predicción de inundaciones y la gestión del territorio. Tesis de licenciatura Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). 90pp.

Spanish (Native speaker)
Catalan (Native speaker)
English (advanced)
German (beginner)

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