We are pleased to announce the publication of our study “Bird diversity in different vegetation types in the Pacific coastal plain of Guatemala” in the journal Neotropical Biology and Conservation. In this article, we explore bird diversity in different vegetation types.
Although the Pacific coast of Guatemala is largely dominated by agricultural land, there are still patches of diverse vegetation that are vital for maintaining bird biodiversity. Our study compared species richness and bird community composition in four distinct vegetation types, analyzing how these habitats contribute to overall bird diversity in the region.
Three of the key findings of the study are:
The bird community is predominantly composed of species adapted to open habitats.
A moderate value of species replacement was observed among the different vegetation types.
The protection and restoration of semi-natural patches, even of modest size, is crucial to safeguard biodiversity in human-dominated landscapes.
These findings highlight the importance of landscape-level conservation strategies that allow connectivity between habitat patches that supports species with different ecological requirements.
Read the full article here: https://neotropical.pensoft.net/article/131792/
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