Private Institute for Climate Change Research, Guatemala. The workshop to train and certify construction workers from the department of Escuintla started last April 23rd, which was called “Capacity building and certification for construction workers from Southern Guatemala”. The workshop lasted for 5 days and was facilitated by INTECAP along the coordination of TROCAIRE, the Social Pastoral Caritas of San Marcos, and the Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC. This workshop was executed within the framework of the project “Improving resilience in Central America, in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework”, Public-Private Alliances to reduce Disaster Risk, funded by ECHO.
The group consists of 20 participants from the towns of Siquinala, Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, La Democracia, and Masagua, who are receiving training about improving construction processes based upon the AGIES Structural Regulations, and Regulations for Disaster Reduction. These actions aim to modernize technology and certify bricklayers under current quality standards.
This certification process will finish by April 30th, fulfilling 40 mandatory hours of participation that are a requirement for INTECAP to officially certify the workers. The Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC has been supporting each session and coordinating the logistics and training development.
With those actions we are contributing to improve construction practices aiming to generate facilities with quality standards and earthquake resistant that minimizes the physical vulnerability of communities.