The ICC, in conjunction with governmental, non-governmental and private sector entities, adds efforts to reduce disaster risk.
Within the framework of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction, we highlight some actions carried out that contribute to the goal set for this year by the United Nations:
Due to the sediments from the Fuego Volcano, a new streambed, that joins with the dry river of the Acomé river watershed, was formed in the Pantaleon river. In conjunction with the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) and with the support of international funds, a master plan that considers this situation, is being elaborated for the Pantaleón river.

With funding from the European Union (ECHO), the ICC conducted studies to generate hydraulic, lahars and sediment transport models, for the Pantaleón and Ceniza rivers.

The purchase of hydrometric stations has been coordinated with the support of Action Against Hunger (ACH) – Guatemala and France, to monitor flows during the dry and rainy season. This information, together with the hydraulic models, contributes to an Early Warning System, that seeks to alert the population located downstream if a possible overflow of the river were to occur.

The ICC has provided support and coordinated with CONRED to strengthen capacities, train, and accredit local and municipal coordinators for emergency attention.

It is important to mention that the actions carried out by the ICC are developed with the support of our partners in public-private alliances.