In the first week of March, ICC professionals presented the results of the evaluation of vulnerable points of the longitudinal dam in an 18 km section of the lower part of the Coyolate River.

During the first two months of 2020 ICC carried out the following activities:

  1. Luis Reyes, Director of Operations and German Alfaro, Disaster Risk Coordinator, presented to the Municipality of Nueva Concepción, Escuintla and two Congressmen also representatives from Escuintla department, the actions carried out by ICC on the Coyolate River.
  2. A meeting was held in the Municipality of Nueva Concepción, Escuintla with representatives of the private sector (Sugar and Banana Agroindustry), community leaders and ICC to establish the “Alliance of the Coyolate River dyke”.
  3. Community leaders, representatives of the municipality and the private sector, and ICC experts visited vulnerable points where the river can overflow.

The meeting was attended by two Congressmen representatives of Escuintla department, the mayor of Nueva Concepción, Escuintla, community leaders around the Coyolate River, representatives of the private sector, representatives of local association ASOBORDAS, National Disaster Risk Reduction Office-CONRED and the Ministry of Environment-MARN. The meeting was important to discuss which actions can be implemented to repair the dam and expand its construction.

“The results presented will serve as a basis for decision-making within the Alliance, allowing prioritization of actions for risk reduction.”



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