Closing ceremony of the virtual course on climate change taught to Environmental Sanitation Inspectors of the department of Suchitepéquez.

On December 3 the closing events of two courses, which began in August 2021, were held.

The first course that recently graduated its participants was the diploma course in Community Adaptation to Climate Change (100% face-to-face), in which 20 members of government organizations and municipal agencies (Public Ministry, MINEDUC, RENAP, MIDES, MAGA, MSPAS, COMRED, PNC, PNT and municipal employees) from the municipality of Samayac took part.

Session V on climate change mitigation taught to a group of technicians from the municipality of Samayac Suchitepéquez, imparted by Carlos Rodríguez, ICC researcher.

The sessions addressed topics related to watersheds, environment and society, scientific basis of climate change, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and disaster risk management. The course ended with a field trip to the sub-basin of the Ixtacapa river.

Session I scientific basis of climate change, taught to the Environmental Sanitation Inspectors of the department of Suchitepéquez.

The second course that culminated was the virtual course on Climate Change, with four sessions, aimed at Inspectors of Environmental Sanitation (ISA) of the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance (MSPAS) of the department of Suchitepéquez. This course addressed the following topics: scientific basis of climate change, and mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Closing ceremony of the diploma course on community adaptation to climate change taught to a group of technicians from the municipality of Samayac Suchitepéquez.

These actions are carried out in the department of Suchitepéquez, with the accompaniment of experts from the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC).