Today, April 6th, Thursday, at the COMUDE meeting, the representatives of the Private Institute for Climate Change Research ICC, along with the regional delegate of the SE-CONRED, started the process to strengthen municipal capacities in risk reduction, in Sipacate, Escuintla.
Activities started by raising awareness with the municipal authorities that are led by Walter Najera, mayor of Sipacate, and the members of the COCODES, who learned about the importance of working the risk management processes, integrating the physical, economic and social growth processes of the area. Also, they shared those key points with the government agencies accredited in the area, the civil society, and other people, the lines of work and topics that will be covered by the trainings, since they will be part of the Municipal Coordination for Disaster Risk Reduction COMRED.
They also emphasized the importance of integrating the local institutions, authorities, and the participation of all of the sectors to organize COMRED, since this is the body that will coordinate and supervise how emergencies are handled in town.
With this process, the ICC contributes with the town to prepare and organize against any natural threat. It will also allow authorities to work in preventions processes at the community level.