ICC is part of the organizations that created the “Alianza por el Agua” (Alliance for Water) in Guatemala. This is an initiative that seeks to work and contribute to water security, promoting dialogue and joint participation of different stakeholders and sectors of the country, to strengthen a common agenda for better water management.
The leaders and founders of the Alliance are: The Nature Conservancy (TNC), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), del Valle de Guatemala University (UVG), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and ICC.
The lines of work of the alliance are: a) good governance of water resources, b) public policies for sustainable water management, c) research and information, d) communication and training, and e) financial mechanisms.
The alliance was officially launched on November 25th, with an online Zoom event.
The launch began with the announcement of 12 new members joining the alliance, the new members include: World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Fundación Solar (Solar Foundation), Asociación Tikonel (Tikonel Association), Mancomunidad Gran Ciudad del Sur (Group of 6 municipalities from the metropolitan area of Guatemala), Cementos Progreso (Cement producer company), Spanish International Cooperation Agency (AECID), Alliance of Environmental Law and Water (ADA2), Association of Sugar Producers of Guatemala (ASAZGUA), Association of Independent Banana Producers (APIB), the Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility Action in Guatemala (CENTRARSE), Association of Private Nature Reserves (ARNPG) and the Association for Research and Social Studies (ASIES).
This was the first step in achieving the desired objective of building and implementing a national agenda around water, making it a source of well-being, health, progress and peace for each inhabitant of Guatemala.

The Alliance is in the process of incorporating more members to ensure that different sectors and stakeholders, linked to water management in the country, come together for dialogue and joint action.
Founders of the Alliance for Water in Guatemala