On Monday September 12th, a reforestation with conservation purposes was carried out in Nueva Concepcion, Escuintla, supported by the ICC. Students of the Liceo Cristiano Nazaret, Jose Barrera from the Environmental Commission of the Municipality, Dany Revolorio of the of the Environmental Office of the Municipality of Nueva Concepcion, Nelson Yanes, president of ASOBORDAS, other community representatives, as well as the COCODE of San Jose Madre Vieja, and representatives from the Association of the Madre Vieja River watershed and Frutera S.A. participated in the reforestation.
This activity was performed in a land that belongs to the City. 25 native species from the area were planted, which contributes to its conservation. Some of the species planted are: breadnut, chichique, volador, hormigo tree, mahogany, cedar, cenicero, among others. Also, this area will allow to socialize native species that are scarce in the region.
This reforestation is part of the activities that the ICC performs through the Integrated Management Program, contributing to the measures to mitigate climate change in Guatemala and contributing to the goal of 650 thousand plants for 2016.