The Private Institute for Climate Change Research -ICC-, is carrying out research to obtain data on soil erosion caused by run-off water in the Pacific slopes of Guatemala.

This year, in alliance with the College of Agriculture of the San Carlos University South Western Campus -CUNSUROC- and the Pantaleon Sugar mill, the ICC is researching the erosion caused by run-off water in the San Bonifacio Farm, in Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla.

The run-off plots method is being used to perform this investigation. Those plots measure the amount of soil that is eroded with each rain in a specific area.


A total of 4 run-off plots were installed for each sugarcane harvesting season (thirds), for a total of 12 plots installed. Each plot limits an area of 75 m2 and it is able to collect 0.83 m3 of run-off water.

After every rain event, the plots are monitored to determine the amount of run-off water. Samples of soil sediments are taken from the collector tanks to the laboratories of CENGICAÑA, where they are analyzed. The analysis consists of determining the weight of dry soil by sample; the obtained data feeds the generated database to determine water erosion.

These studies are carried out to determine which areas are susceptible to erosion and thus, prioritize areas to implement soil conservation techniques and propose strategies to manage crops.

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