Last Friday, February 26, concluded the course “Environmental and Climate Challenges of Guatemala” aimed at the first group of journalists of national, local, and independent media. During the course, professionals of the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) and invited experts, shared the following components:
- Introduction to environmental issues
- Integrated water management
- Water legislation and governance
- Solid waste and their integrated management
- Biodiversity loss and conservation
- Causes of climate change
- Impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change
- Disaster risk management
At the end of the course, participants conducted a field tour focused on integrated watershed management.

On the tour they visited the CEDIG-ICC Regional Forest Nursery of Parramos, Chimaltenango, where the General Director of the ICC and event guide PhD. Alex Guerra, explained the work and commitment in the production of plants such as cypress and pine destined for the reforestation of the Achiguate and Coyolate river basin.
Dulce Poz, ICC MIC Technician, details the process of plant production in the regional nursery. Women’s teamwork is part of the sustainable development of the participating communities.
During the visit they got to meet the watershed of the Achiguate River, the union between the Guacalate and Pensativo rivers, the mouth of the Achiguate River in Escuintla and the Las Lajas bridge located in the department of Sacatepéquez, where Dr. Guerra commented on the impact caused by the sediments that the Fuego volcano expels and the risk that the different adjacent communities face.

To strengthen climate change knowledge in social communicators, the course was conducted in coordination with the Guatemalan Sugar Association (ASAZGUA).