Gradually, rains are becoming more and more frequent due that the rainy season has started to settle in some part of the countries.
Based on the forecasts, the beginning of the rainy season for the midlands in Southern Guatemala (Boca Costa) was expected between May 20th and 30th, while for the Pacific Littoral it could begin between the 20th and 30th of May. In the central regions, this could begin between the 15th and 25th of May.
Despite the rains, high temperatures will continue. Some areas in the South could reach the 37°C, Guatemala City could register 29°C and the Western Highlands could reach 30°.
Climatic perspective for rains in May, June, and July
This map, divided by colors, represents the amount of rain that is expected for the months of May, June and July. The green area represents the places where more rain than average is expected. While the yellow area will have average precipitations. The area surrounded by a red line differs because there is a possibility to have less rain in this area, as a secondary scenario.
Heat wave
As INSIVUMEH reported, a heat wave is expected between July 10th and 20th in the Central and Eastern regions. It could also happen before the given dates and it could last between 20 and 30 days.
Tropical storms
A normal season is expected for the Atlantic Ocean, while more storms than the average are expected for the Pacific. Guatemala could be directly or indirectly affected by one or two storms during the first half of the rainy season. As INSIVUMEH reported, the possibility of being directly affected by one tropical storm is not discarded.