On December 8, 2021, representatives of the Roundtable for the Prevention and Reduction of Illegal Logging in Guatemala visited the ICC to learn about the forest protection and restoration actions that the institute carries out.

During the tour, actions related to the production of forest trees and reforestation in the upper part of the watersheds were discussed. Later, the group visited the forest plantations for energetic purposes located in the farm “Los Sujuyes” in Santa Lucía Cotzumalguapa, Escuintla.
The field tour concluded at the Acarigua farm in Patulul, Suchitepéquez, where the group observed the hydrometric station operating. The importance of generating information for the rational use of water was highlighted.
The participants learned about the riparian forests that have been restored in the area and the actions carried out by the ICC related to forests and water in the region.