On August 3, the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) in alliance with the municipality of Samayac, Suchitepéquez, inaugurated the diploma course (face-to-face modality) entitled Community Adaptation to Climate Change. Representatives and technicians from different organizations such as: Public Ministry, MINEDUC, RENAP, INAP, MIDES, MAGA, MSPAS, COMRED, PNC and neighbors of the municipality of Samayac Suchitepéquez will participate in this process.

Capacity building will benefit the population, households and community agricultural systems of the municipality, strengthening knowledge on climate change adaptation at the community level.
The diploma course will be developed through nine face-to-face sessions and is expected to be completed by October 2021. These activities contribute to one of the purposes of the ICC, to strengthen climate change capacities of key stakeholders of the Guatemalan society.