On May 22nd, to commemorate “Tree Day” a reforestation program was launched at the Vendejo farm in the department of Retalhuleu, Guatemala. The event was
The South Coast Restoration Network presents the Forest Landscape Restoration Map of Guatemala, which is a virtual tool that aims to systematize the restoration actions
The ICC is about to finish for the fifth consecutive year, the monitoring of the main rivers during the dry season in the Pacific slope
The Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) shared knowledge on integrated watershed management through a field trip with students of the master “Rural Development
The Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) joins six institutions to promote the initiative “Save the Manchón Guamuchal” which seeks to unite companies, students
The ICC in conjunction with the National Forest Institute (INAB), members of COCODES and UGAM of Santo Domingo Suchitepequez, carried out the Measurement of Permanent
For the fifth consecutive year, the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) continues to generate technical-scientific information on water resources in the region, to
Within the framework of the commemoration of World Water Day, a technical team from the Private Institute for Climate Change Research -ICC- held workshops on
Today, the members of the Technical Board of the Madre Vieja River, of which the Private Institute for Climate Change Research -ICC- is a part,
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