Community promoters strengtheN capacities on BACKYARD-HOME approach
To promote positive changes in the households of four municipalities of Sololá, on June 21, 2022, the capacities of a group of 28 women promoters
To promote positive changes in the households of four municipalities of Sololá, on June 21, 2022, the capacities of a group of 28 women promoters
From Thursday, June 2 to Tuesday, June 7, researchers from the Private Institute for Climate Change Research (ICC) received and coordinated the visit of Forbes
| May 31th , 2022 Today, May 31, 2022, the ICC as executor of the grant called “Implementation of adaptation measures to climate variability and
|May 30, 2022 On Monday, May 30, 2022, we shared scientific technical knowledge in the virtual meeting on Hydrological Data, Monitoring and Evaluation; event organized
|May 31th, 2022 To continue the joint work between the National Forest Institute -INAB- and the Private Institute for Climate Change Research -ICC-, both institutions
|May 24th, 2022 The ICC, through the Capacity Building and Communications Program, taught a course on Climate Change and Environment in Guatemala, in partnership with
|May 23, 2022 On May 23, 2022, the ICC held a workshop to validate findings on community climate vulnerability in 11 communities where actions are
|May 18th, 2022 On May 11, 12 and 13, representatives of the ICC participated in a tour of exchange of experiences related to productive forest
|May 5th, 2022 The ICC participated in the delivery of characterizations of six watersheds of the Pacific slope to the Vice-Minister of Water, Martín Méndez,
|May 3th, 2022 The ICC, in coordination with CONRED, the Red Cross, and the Magdalena sugar production company, contributed with the transfer of knowledge on
Office in Mazatenango:
Zona 1, 2 av. 8-49 Local 16 C.C. Santa Clara, Mazatenango, Suchitepéquez
Office in Sololá:
3 calle 5-01 zona 1 Sololá, Sololá
Office in Parramos:
Km 60 carretera a Parramos, Parramos, Chimaltenango
Office in El Salvador:
Sonsonate, El Salvador