New temporary staff will conduct research on Groundwater
Even though groundwater is a key resource for ecosystems, agriculture and rural communities in the Guatemalan Pacific basin, its status and dynamics are still unknown.
Even though groundwater is a key resource for ecosystems, agriculture and rural communities in the Guatemalan Pacific basin, its status and dynamics are still unknown.
The ICC is looking forward to hiring a professional expert in any of the following fields: Agriculture, Environment, Forestry, or any other related field. If
According to the United Nations Organization, the World Water Day is an observance day, annually celebrated on March 22, to highlight the importance of freshwater
ICC participates in a conference titled “Abundance or Shortage” in Commemoration of the International Day of Water The General Director of the Private Institute for Climate
Last week, ICC, in coordination with other partners, released 1,700 young fish of the native breams (mojarras) called Tusk fish (Tusa) (Herichthys guttulatus), Balcera fish (Amphilophus
The ICC was honored with the visit of Dave Ader, Forbes Walker, Chris Clark, Shawn Hawkins and Sara Beatriz Mulville, from the University of Tennessee, United States.
Today (23rd January), Alex Guerra, General Director of ICC, gave a presentation called “Climate challenges and adaptation opportunities for the Agricultural Sector”. He was invited
The annual meeting of the National Forest Restoration Roundtable took place on the 8th of November in Guatemala City. Its main aim was to inform
It aimed at managing knowledge on research and initiatives in disaster risk management as well as making it available to decision makers in southern Guatemala.
As part of the actions of the ICC to conserve native fish species from Southern Guatemala, more than three thousand native juvenile breams were released
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